
Application Materials
These documents can be utilized for preparing and submitting an application to LAFCo. If you have any questions about how to fill out the forms, or what information should be included, please reach out to LAFCo staff at (707) 825-9301 or through our Contact page.

Boundary Change Application ChecklistPDF
LAFCo Application FormPDF
Sphere of Influence AmendmentPDF

Additional LAFCo Forms

Protest FormPDF
Alternate Public Member ApplicationPDF

Applications Submitted to LAFCo
Smith River Fire Protection District – 2024
Smith River Fire Protection District (“Smith River FPD” or “District”) has submitted an application for annexation of approximately 972 acres (73 parcels) to the east of US 101 and located outside the District boundaries, but within its adopted Sphere of Influence. The proposed annexation area currently receives services from Smith River FPD on a “goodwill” basis with no defined responsibility or sustainable funding. The proposed annexation area is within the Oceanview Sphere of Influence (SOI) and has experienced residential development and population growth over the past 20 years, highlighting an increased need for fire protection and emergency medical services. Annexation would make Smith River FPD responsible for services and establish ongoing funding.